Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8, 2018 - Organize

I have always enjoyed Hardware Stores, in fact one of my first jobs when I was a teenager, was being a cashier at such a store.  Today I needed something from our local hardware store and while I was there, decided it was a great opportunity to take a photo of how they organize their section of screws, etc.  One thing I like about this particular store, is that individual items can be bought, rather than having to buy more than needed, often encased in a hard to open plastic container.


  1. Interesting picture. Me too, I worked in a traditional hardware shop for some years. Sadly most have gone now. xx

    1. It's a shame that local hardware shops are no longer around. I frequent this one quite often.

  2. A rapidly disappearing type of shop here. Now mostly large out of town stores with everything pre packed though not always at low prices.

    1. I remember visiting a hardware store in the UK that had been there for years, and rummaging through their stock was like foraging through history. Sorry to hear they are disappearing. We have the same issue here, but thankfully some of the smaller communities are holding on.


Guess Who?

Here's a couple of recent YouTube creations I have made ~ Mr. Squiggle Cherry Blossom Confetti Stay safe and well.